A small selection of retail locations that carry Mark's various image products are listed below (Note: stock and selection will vary at each location). If there are no venues in your region listed below, please feel free to get in touch with Mark and he can direct you to the closest retailer.
Ahnisnabae Art Gallery, Thunder Bay, Ontario
Beaded Dreams, Ottawa, Ontario
Beaded Dreams, Ottawa, Ontario
Bittersweet Gallery, Burnstown, Ontario
Canadian Canoe Museum, Peterborough, Ontario
Canadian Canoe Museum, Peterborough, Ontario
Chester's Gift Shop, Nipissing First Nation, North Bay, Ontario
Cornerstone Canadian Art and Craft, Kingston, Ontario
Cornerstone Canadian Art and Craft, Kingston, Ontario
The Eagle's Nest, Nipissing First Nation, North Bay Ontario
The Family Tree, Garden River First Nation, Ontario
The Family Tree, Garden River First Nation, Ontario
French River Trading Post, French River, Ontario
Iroqrafts, Oshweken, Ontario
May's Gifts, Marathon, Ontario
McMichael Canadian Art Collection, Kleinburg, Ontario
Millbrook Cultural and Heritage Centre, Millbrook First Nation, Truro, Nova Scotia
Serpent River Trading Post and Gallery, Serpent River First Nation, Ontario
Ten Mile Point Trading Post, Sheguindah, Ontario
That's The Spirit, Almonte, Ontario
Thunderbird Crafts Trading Post, Kettle and Stony Point First Nation, Ontario
That's The Spirit, Almonte, Ontario
Thunderbird Crafts Trading Post, Kettle and Stony Point First Nation, Ontario
Provincial and National Parks
I am pleased that my artwork has come to have a significant presence within our Parks. Whether I am dealing with the Parks directly, or their affiliated "Friends of" groups, there is a great deal of mutual respect for what we each do, and our on-going partnerships. Park visitors have also expressed an enthusiasm for my artwork carried in the various Park stores and "Friends of" gift shops. The animal images with their written cultural and ecological meanings dovetail perfectly with the Natural Heritage Education (NHE) components of park programming.